In this exhibition, photography and film are shown, merged in unexpected forms and contexts; like new stories with the use of juxtapositions.
“I look above the roof and underneath the ground where I am standing. Well, or at least I imagine I do. I try to see straight ahead of me at the same time as I am looking aside. The result is not perfect. In spite of this, I manage to see things I usually can't imagine.”
Cecilia Sering (b. 1963) is an artist, photographer and curator. Her work revolves around visual and conceptual projects with an existential theme. Sering is based in Malmö and is engaged in several art projects internationally. She has a combined Master of Fine Arts (MFA) from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, Denmark and The National School of Fine Arts in Oslo, Norway.
In her artistic work, she strives to broaden the field of view between the ugly and the beautiful, beauty and decay and different states of mind. By focusing on the intersection between these things, she seeks to widen the gaze and observes what otherwise often remains unseen or unmentioned.
In the exhibition Above the Reality or Under the Surface the issue is not how the reality is, but a matter of how we experience it. Perception does not always follow the law of logic. Things are not always what they seem to be. A momentary disconnection from the logic can open up the unconscious mind. A story is not possible to recount in a linear flow of time. Maybe we should rather look upon it as if it conceives of parallel stories or as circular flows. Or we could look upon it as juxtapositions, interlaced conversations and merged layers. Yes, and maybe by changing perspectives.